Once you've selected the resource you want to book, you'll land on the Booking Confirmation page. Here, you can finalize your booking by adding any additional information, participants, or product orders if needed. If it's a paid reservation, payment and billing details will also be collected.
If there's no need to add additional information to your booking, simply scroll down the page and confirm your reservation. You also have the option to skip the Booking Confirmation page by adjusting your profile settings. This can be especially useful for quick bookings, such as workspace reservations, to expedite the process.
Note: The Booking Confirmation page is partially customizable, so your Taitori administrator may have hidden certain elements on the page. Therefore, you might not see all the elements mentioned on this page.
Name organizer and provide event title Provide alternative contact information |
Add participants to the reservation Set a reminder for the reservation |
Booking summary
Check at the top of the page to ensure that the booking date and duration are correct.
Change the booker
If your user account has permissions beyond basic user access (e.g., assistant), you can change the booker for the reservation. The user designated as the booker will receive a booking confirmation email and will be able to see the reservation on the Bookings page, thus being able to manage the reservation in the future.
If participants are added to the reservation, the booking confirmation messages and invitations sent from Taitori will display the booker's name as the event organizer unless a separate organizer is designated in the Additional Information section of the page.
Image 1. Booking summary.
Provide number of people
You can specify the number of people for the reservation. The number of attendees may be necessary, for instance, for the venue operator.
Name organizer and provide event title
If desired, you can designate an organizer for the event. If participants are added to the reservation, the organizer's name will be displayed in invitations sent from Taitori and in booking confirmation messages. Additionally, the organizer's name can be displayed on door displays and lobby screens.
If no organizer is designated, the name of the actual booker will automatically appear in the elements mentioned earlier. Even if an organizer is named, the ownership of the reservation always remains with the user designated in the Booker field; for example, booking confirmation messages are sent to the actual booker.
Provide alternative contact information
You can provide alternative contact information for the reservation. This could be a phone number or email address. The booker's contact information is always automatically included in the reservation.
Add written additional information
You can provide written additional information for the reservation. This information can be used, for example, in conference centers, where the booker's preferences are sent to the venue operator.
Image 2. Additional information.
Choose payment method
If the reservation requires payment, you will see payment details and cancellation policy, if defined, at this stage. You can select the payment method from the options provided by your service provider.
Image 3. Payment details
Add billing Information
Billing details for paid reservations are usually specified in the additional community information. Your service provider may also request other information. If you typically use the same billing information, it's advisable to save default billing details in your profile settings under the Communities tab. This way, you won't have to re-enter the same information every time.
Image 4. Additional community information.
Add participants to the reservation
You can include participants in the reservation. Depending on the participant's role (visitor, internal, organizer), they may receive a calendar-invite from Taitori. By default, only participants added with the visitor role receive an invitation, but settings and practices related to invitations vary by organization. If your organization uses Taitori Visitor Management, participants added with the visitor role will be imported into the visitor management system, allowing reception services to be aware of arriving visitors. For detailed instructions: Send arrival instructions and participant code and Add multiple participants at once by copying from Outlook.
Create an open event
Choose whether participants can join the event later. This means that an event associated with the reservation will be created, which will be published on the Open Events page of Taitori's application (accessible from the Info page).
Remember to fill in the event title, registration deadline, and provide a description. Also, select who can register for the event.
"Those authorized to use the space can join" means that all users authorized for that space can register, including external individuals if they have access to the same space. "Anyone can join (including outsiders)" means that anyone, including external individuals, can register for the event, making the event public to all Taitori users (including those outside your organization).
Image 5. Participants.
Set a reminder for the reservation
In additional settings, you can request a reminder for yourself about the reservation.
Add online event details
If you're sending invitations to participants from Taitori, and the event involves platforms like MS Teams or Google Meet, you can add the meeting link here. Taitori doesn't create the online event or its link itself.
Image 6. Advanced settings.
Make the reservation private
You can limit the visibility of the reservation to other users. By selecting private, other users within your organization won't see the reservation's title, participants, or your name. Only the reservation time will still be visible, for example, on the timeline.
Note that workspace administrators, system administrators, and other users with permission to modify your reservation can still see the booker's name and participants, even if the reservation is marked as private.
For publicly bookable spaces, users outside your organization will never see the reservation's title or the booker's name.
In your profile settings, you can choose the default setting for this option.
Email confirmation for the reservation
Before confirming the reservation, you can specify whether to send a booking confirmation to the booker via email. In your profile settings, you can choose the default setting for this option.
Order products (e.g., catering order)
If you want to order products, such as adding a catering order to the room reservation, you can proceed to place the order by clicking the Order Products button or selecting the catering suggestion. Alternatively, you can confirm the reservation and place the order later through the Bookings page.
Image 7. Finalizing the booking.
After confirmation
Once you've confirmed the reservation at the bottom of the page, you'll see the booking confirmation on your screen. You can save the confirmation as a PDF file to your computer by clicking "Save to File". Additionally, you can download a calendar entry to your device.
Now you can manage the reservation on the Bookings page. See instructions: Manage bookings
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